Your pup comes with a one year genetic replacement guarantee and AKC registration. She will have her first shot and will be wormed every two weeks. Shipping at 8 weeks of age is $500.00. We like to fly United Pet safe where there are no temperature worries and/or shipping restraints. All air shipped pups will come with a travel crate and vet check/health certificate. We also offer personal ground shipping to certain areas. We are very excited to have this fantastic litter of puppies. They were born Nov 25th. This is a litter that will not last long at all. The daddy is a very handsome two hundred pound brindle boy that loves every person that takes the time to look at him. He has an endless supply of love and affection. The mommy is a big gentle fawn girl that has a huge mother heart. She is a perfect description of a gentle giant. Please feel free to call or email with any questions you might have. 434-985-3986
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