

If you are looking for a deep red Bordeaux male you need to look no farther. Bennie is the friendliest puppy on the planet and loves to open all the shoes strings he can find. He does have a marble sized umbilical hernia that will have to be fixed. If you are unfamiliar with umbilical hernias please contact your vet and they will tell you that it is a very common problem that it is easy to fix. My vet charges $250.00 for and umbilical hernia repair. All my Bordeaux go for $2000.00 but I am willing to let Bennie go for $1500.00. It will not affect him in any way at all.
The mommy is a very gentle girl that has been a wonderful mother. She loves Bennie with the passion of a mother goose. The daddy is a gentle giant as well. He is very good with small children and has never met a stranger. He loves to played with and being with people is his favorite pastime. He has a beautiful personality. Bennie will be a spitting image of his parents and their personalities are the best in the world. Playing with whoever gives them attention is their most favorite thing to do. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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